Introduction to Music Production course – Learn Ableton using Zoom

The Digital Hub and BIMM Dublin are running a 4-week Music Production course starting on Wednesday, February 15th from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. This free-to-attend course is aimed at 4th and 5th-year students, with the first 10 students getting a place on this run of the course.

Students will learn the basics of Ableton software, music production techniques and create their own track. To apply or ask a question about the course please email

Topics include

  • Setting up Ableton.
  • Creating different types of tracks.
  • Using MIDI instruments in real time.
  • Sampling from audio files and in real time.
  • Adding effects, using automation, and mixing your track.
  • Completing tracks and bouncing finished audio files.

Process & Requirements

  • Interested young people should confirm their interest with their teacher/guardian who will then need to send us the participants email address.
  • We will require an email from the parent/guardian of each participant student confirming their consent for participation.
  • Participants will need access to a computer or laptop in order to download the Ableton software.
  • All sessions will be on Zoom so access to a Zoom account is required.

This course is delivered by The Digital Hub and BIMM Dublin who are partners on ‘The Liber8 Music Project’ which has been running since 2017. The Liber 8 Music Project gives young people, living in Dublin 8, who have limited exposure to music and digital media, the opportunity to immerse themselves in a creative programme.


Read more about BIMM Institute Dublin at

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